This includes doors or windows that are often open or unlocked, dimly lit entryways and property perimeters, overgrown bushes and high walls for hiding, and rental properties where guests are most likely to leave valuables exposed.

There are many options that can help make your property less attractive to intruders and they should be done with or without a home security system. The presence of a dog can alert you to an intruder but may not be the an option for a rental property or office location.

Of course we recommend that the best option to protect your home from being targeted is to install a home security system that will connect your alarm and cameras to your smartphone, and send out alert notifications.

Secure Access Points

Many new residents in Costa Rica come from communities where it may not always be necessary to lock your doors or windows. There was a time in Guanacaste where this was common, however, we can assure you this is not the case here now.

If you choose not to install an alarm system, remember at least to lock all doors and windows when you are not at home and especially at night when sleeping. Also lock the garage or bodega and any other exterior buildings and vehicles. Never leave valuables in a car.

Illuminate The Property

Perimeter Illumination is one of the best options in securing your home and there are many options available. Motion activated lights, dusk til dawn sensors, cameras with lights, alarms and two way voice communication.

  • Having a motion light turn on can help deter intruders especially at the beach and on large properties.
  • Lights that highlight the property perimeter makes it harder for intruders to hide and makes them much easier to spot from a window or camera.
  • Dusk to dawn sensors can be found at almost any hardware store and are a perfect security accessory to any home.
  • For areas closer to the house or key buildings, motion lights are a great deterrent.

Eliminate Places to Hide on the Property

Whether it's a hallway in your condo building or a large lot surrounded by bushes or walls, we need to eliminate areas where intruders can hide.

  • Yards that have overgrown bushes, trees, or high walls are a favorite of burglars as they give needed cover should a spotlight come on or a car drive by.
  • High walls do not enhance security except for places where there is active monitoring and nearby response. High walls around homes are easily scalable and once inside allow thieves all the cover they need to work on gaining access.
  • Police will not climb walls to access a property.

Ensure Guests Understand Your Security Procedures.

Renters are far more likely to be targets of break-ins. They are on vacation and that starts the moment they arrive.

Guests often head straight to the beach, store, restaurant or bar and leave valuables laying out in the open. Laptops, cell phones, jewellery keys, even wallets and cash.

  • At check-in ensure they know how to secure the home and lock all doors and windows.
  • Secure or hide all valuables.
  • Know the alarm code and how to arm and disarm the system.

Our alarm systems have a STAY mode that allows the alarm to be active on all external doors and windows while disarming the interior motion sensors. Perfect for evenings or sleeping.

And above all lock the doors at night or when away from the house, even if its for a short walk on the beach.

For the owners protection, have them sign a simple check-in form to acknowledge they understand the procedures. It's not about scaring the guests its about concern for their safety.

They will appreciate it.

Home security systems are by far the best deterrent to keep criminals from trying to access your home or property.

Contact our security experts and find out how we can help keep your friends and family safe.